
Saturday, January 07, 2006

This is a new concept

Well, this whole blogging thing is a totally new idea for me, so bare with me as I learn what on earth I'm doing. I'm getting ready to go on my 6 month internship in Wisconsin and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to keep in contact with everyone. I thought that this would be the best way to let everyone know what's going on while I'm there. I will do my best to keep up with it as much as possible.

For those of you who don't know, here's the game plan: I drive to Syracuse on tuesday, visit my bestfriend hwo has a 5 week old baby (Baby's ARE cute!) and fly out of Syracuse wednesday morning at 6 am. I arrive in Mineappolis and have a three hour drive to Wisconsin. I will be interning at a church of about 600 people I believe and helping with the senior, junior, and pre-junior high youth groups. I will also be creating a ministry for k-2nd graders, sort of like a children's youth group I think.

I'm very, very excited and can't wait for everything that the future has to bring. It's going to be really hard to be away from everyone for six months, especially my family and my boyfriend, but I know that this is where God wants me to be.


At 1:09 PM, Blogger Kirk said...

I definitely disagree with you. Babies are usually not cute. Congrats on getting up and running. I feel honoured to be making the first comment.


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