Last week I took my teens to a Christian haunted house called Nightmare. It's put on by a church every year and it's like a reality thing. I was shaking the entire time because of the intensity of it all. You're rushed from one room to the next spending about three minutes in each area. One room is a morgue, another is a gang fight, there's a room with parents fighting and the next room a teen suicide. The room that hit me the hardest was when we were in hell. We were standing on this bridge and it was dark all around us, there were people hanging in cages and trying to climb up to us screaming out in total agony. My heart ached at the thought of hell and all its pain and suffering. Satan then appeared and gave a speach about the reason we were down there. One thing he said was, "You're not down here because you were a bad person, but because you wouldn't give your life over to the one who died for your soul and what good did it do you?" The next room was Christ being tortured followed by his death on the cross. The final room was a video of the senior pastor who hosts Nightmare. He shared the purpose of this reality haunted house is to show the issues that teens deal with today and help them realize that etenity is on the line. After 20 minutes of intensity you enter a large room with counselors who greet you to talk and pray with you. One of the teens who came with us accepted Christ! It was a really unique, neat experience. I've never been in a haunted house before and this one was so breath taking scary intense. I don't like being scared, but it was a really good night.
hi lisa, i was one of the actresses in a hunted house like that when i was a teenager. it cost a lot of money to put on and it was a lot of work but 2,600 people came through it.
p.s. do you still keep in touch with danyel and brett dezeeauw?
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