Have you ever felt like though you were surrounded by people you were all alone? Completely lost in the crowd? For the last couple of days I have felt so incredibly lonely and I don't know why. People have been showering me with love and I know they're genuine, but I still feel empty. I have this deep aching in my heart for past relationships. I long for friendships that I've lost touch with over the years or even months. I'm so tired of investing in people and becoming so bonded to them then having to leave and not see them again. I miss family, friends from high school and college and yes Grand Manan, campers that I've become extremely close to over the summers I've traveled, and even the people here; I've been so busy lately I haven't spent time with anyone in what seems like forever. I'm working two jobs now and life has just been go, go, go. My internship has been extended until September which is awesome and I'm waitressing at a private resort which has been a ton of fun. I've just been so busy and all this thought about the future and where I'm going and what I'm doing is just stressing me out so much. This whole "growing up" thing has just got me thinking way too much. I'm probably thought about just about everyone I've ever met in the past week and I'm just missing so many people right now. Ok, that's enough of my whinning for the night. I'm off to youth camp tomorrow and I can't wait to see people from Bethany.