
This weekend has been extremely busy but awesome. We had a cookout with all our teens and their families and there was a total of 48 people there. We ate, gave out prizes, and played a game of kickball. I don't think I've played kickball since junior high and I'm just as bad at it now as I was then. I went for about a ten mile bike ride with my teens and went to a carnaval. It's very rare for me to get motion sickness, but I was so sick after about 3 rides and really sick after 6. My stomach was still woozy the next morning. I wonder if that comes with age? Also this weekend I watched the movie Pirates of the Carribean. At one point the ever so wise Jack Sparrow says, "treasure can be more than silver or gold." Jack has a compass that points to the one thing that you want the most and in the second movie his compass is very confused as to which way to point. I'm pretty sure that if I had a compass like that it too would not know which direction to point in. My question for you this time is what is your treasure? What is the one thing you want more than anything else? Matthew 6:21 says, "where your treasure is there your heart will be also." So where is your treasure, where is your heart?
I'm really liken your questions! I use to think my treasure was in possessions. The more I had the better I was. It took losing everything to realize that if I work for the Lord and have Him use me as a tool to help reach the lost, I would reap the rewards in heaven. The treasures (stuff) on earth will someday be gone...useless, meaningless. My prayer is that everyone would look at that scripture and ponder the same question you presented.
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