You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

First of all I'd like to congratulate all the 2007 Bethany graduates. Way to go guys! Welcome to the real world. When I graduated last year Pres Medders (the college president) challenged me to learn something new every year. Ever since this concept I've been praying about what I should focus my energy on this year. Well, instead of just focusing on and learning one thing, the Lord has placed several new tasks in my lap and I've really enjoyed learning. So far this year I've learned to be a youth pastor, to live on my own, to budget my money and pay my own bills. I've just started learning how to play guitar for the past few weeks. A few months ago I taught myself how to crochet and am in the process of making a purse. I just started learning how to make a quilt and it's going to look sweet Now I am learning to drive standard. I've known for several years now how to drive stick, but I've been really unsure of it and haven't driven on the road at all until last night. I started car shopping the other day and a few hours later my car gave up. Right now I'm borrowing a standard car from a couple in my church so I had to learn and I'm doing pretty good. This year has pretty much been a year of learning new tricks, things I've always wanted to learn and finally am. I love learning new stuff. What are some things you've been learning and challenging yourself to be stretched in?
So where did you find a teacher and do he/she have room for another pupil? I need a brush up course.
I'm getting lessons from Heid Music, but I'll probably only take one or two more (don't go there for lessons).
hey, i couldn't sleep tonight and tv is boring so i read your entire blog archives and now i am a lisa expert. ask me anything! (and by 'anything' i mean only stuff you blogged about)
Wow, you must have been really bored.
Hey Lisa,
What have I learned this year...And how have I stretched myself...That's a very good question for all of us. I learned to let go of things. I learned that I can say no. I'm learning to take care of myself first so I can take care of others. Thanks for the challenge. What's the next questions!!
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