All Creatures

My thoughts are pretty scattered today, so I hope you follow what I'm trying to say.
Inspired by a friend's blog and in much need of some time alone with Jesus I went for a bike ride with just me and my Zune. The very fist song that came on was "All Creatures of Our God and King" sung by David Crowder.
"All creatures of our God and King
Lift up your voice and with us sing
Oh praise Him, Halleluiah"
As I rode along thinking about the words, "all creatures" and "lift up your voice" I passed a few birds, a couple of emus, a lama, donkey, horse, and some goats. "All creatures...lift up your voice" All God's creatures are stirring with praise for Him. Even these creatures are able to lift up their voices and praise the King, yet we as people who are able to have a personal relationship with Christ don't give God the praise he's worthy of.
As the song continued...
"Though burning sun with golden beam
Though silver moon with softer gleam
Oh praise Him, oh praise Him Halleluiah..."
I looked at the bright sun that was warming my right side then something caught my eye on my left side, it was the moon. "Oh praise Him"
I got to thinking of the Luke 19:40 (thanks Matt) '"I tell"' you he replied, "if they keep quiet the stones will cry out."' Again, God's creation will praise Him and too often we fail to.
I continued on hearing the crickets over my music and the bugs hitting my teeth and sticking in my hair. Coincidently enough the Doxology came on,
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost"
The bugs didn't so much bother me even though I rode through swarms of nats and could feel 50 of them hitting my face every 5 minutes, but I thought "hmmmm, here are some more creatures to praise God's name"
My thoughts were pretty scattered, but overall I think we need to be more intentional about praising our Creator. My most intimate times with God are when I am just praising Him and sometimes life gets so distracting that I need that reminder.
PS. I really did see all those animals on my 16 mile bike ride.
Good Post Lisa, very true! who was the friend whose blog inspired you?
Wouldn't you like to know?
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