Who Am I?

As I was doing dishes tonight (they were way overdue) I was talking to God about where I am in life right now and I began thinking, "who am I?" That is a very complex question that's very difficult to answer because it's always changing. Who I am today is not who I will be tomorrow or who I was yesterday. Every year, month, week, day God is changing me and shaping me. Who am I? I don't know.
If you were to ask me that question 25 years ago I would say...
I am a baby
I am a daughter
I'm grandpa's pride and joy
I'm grandma's "Baby Bunting"
I am completely dependant on others
20 years ago...
I'm a kindergratener
I am a counter
I am a writter
I'm a Christian
I'm daddy's little girl
I'm a big sister
I'm Nana's rival for the remote control
15 years ago...
I'm a fifth grader
I am a total geek
I'm a four eyes
I'm friendless
I'm shy
I'm a bike rider
I'm a big sister to four
10 years ago...
I'm a freshman in high school
I'm still shy
I'm pretty lonely
I'm "the new girl"
I'm extremely insecure, but getting better
I'm a drama team leader
5 years ago...
I'm a freshman in college (again)
I'm a cafeteria server
I am a best friend
I am a youth major
4 years ago...
I'm a sophmore
I'm a Christian Education major
I'm a cafeteria cashier "clicker"
I'm the student fellowship association president
I'm a summer team member
3 years ago...
I'm a junior
I'm a D-group leader
I'm a cafeteria weekend worker
I'm a peg leg
I'm a fairly good ping pong player
2 years ago...
I'm a senior
I'm a girlfriend
I am the Blazer Deli Snackbar cook
I'm a Euchre fanatic
1 year ago...
I'm an intern
I'm single
I'm a friend
I'm a strong, mostly secure woman
I'm a mentor
I'm a youth pastor
I'm a Wisconsinite
I'm a home renter
I'm a cat owner
Hopefully one day...
I'll be a guitar player
I'll be a house owner
I will have a dog
I'll be a wife
I'll be a mother
I'll be a good cook
I'll be a woman of God
I'm still changing, growing, being molded and shaped into God's image. Everyday has new challenges and new trials to help bring me to maturity and completion (James 1:2ff) Who am I you ask... I don't know; it changes every minute.
Great picture!
Thanks, I had a great photographer!
"Who are you ?" I would like to find out! Are you busy tomorrow, Monday June 4th at 6 pm?
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I'll see you at six across the street from the church.
What up home girl. Still waiting for your vizizzle to my izzle.
Why am I always the one who has to do the visiting? I've had my share of vizizzles to your izzle. Shouldn't you be the one vizilling now??? PS. let me know when you're wanting to pay a children's pastor ;)
Who you are today is not who you will be tomorrow? Is that to say that tomorrow Lisa will no longer exist? Will you be another different person, or is it that you will be the same person who has undergone changes to some degree? I hope that there are somethings about u, as Lisa, that are constant otherwise it would become extremely difficult to know if I am talking to u or not.
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