Who Am I?

As I was doing dishes tonight (they were way overdue) I was talking to God about where I am in life right now and I began thinking, "who am I?" That is a very complex question that's very difficult to answer because it's always changing. Who I am today is not who I will be tomorrow or who I was yesterday. Every year, month, week, day God is changing me and shaping me. Who am I? I don't know.
If you were to ask me that question 25 years ago I would say...
I am a baby
I am a daughter
I'm grandpa's pride and joy
I'm grandma's "Baby Bunting"
I am completely dependant on others
20 years ago...
I'm a kindergratener
I am a counter
I am a writter
I'm a Christian
I'm daddy's little girl
I'm a big sister
I'm Nana's rival for the remote control
15 years ago...
I'm a fifth grader
I am a total geek
I'm a four eyes
I'm friendless
I'm shy
I'm a bike rider
I'm a big sister to four
10 years ago...
I'm a freshman in high school
I'm still shy
I'm pretty lonely
I'm "the new girl"
I'm extremely insecure, but getting better
I'm a drama team leader
5 years ago...
I'm a freshman in college (again)
I'm a cafeteria server
I am a best friend
I am a youth major
4 years ago...
I'm a sophmore
I'm a Christian Education major
I'm a cafeteria cashier "clicker"
I'm the student fellowship association president
I'm a summer team member
3 years ago...
I'm a junior
I'm a D-group leader
I'm a cafeteria weekend worker
I'm a peg leg
I'm a fairly good ping pong player
2 years ago...
I'm a senior
I'm a girlfriend
I am the Blazer Deli Snackbar cook
I'm a Euchre fanatic
1 year ago...
I'm an intern
I'm single
I'm a friend
I'm a strong, mostly secure woman
I'm a mentor
I'm a youth pastor
I'm a Wisconsinite
I'm a home renter
I'm a cat owner
Hopefully one day...
I'll be a guitar player
I'll be a house owner
I will have a dog
I'll be a wife
I'll be a mother
I'll be a good cook
I'll be a woman of God
I'm still changing, growing, being molded and shaped into God's image. Everyday has new challenges and new trials to help bring me to maturity and completion (James 1:2ff) Who am I you ask... I don't know; it changes every minute.