
Monday, March 27, 2006

Crazy Busy

I have not left a post in a while becuase I have been super busy and loving it! I've been housesitting for about a week and it's been great having sort of my own place and somewhere that I can have company over. I had 14 people over for supper the other day. It was so much fun. I made chicken ritz, salad, rolls, and brownies. We also had soup, chips, and pop. We played some games and watched Chicken Little. I've been finishing up the final detail with Junior Followers which starts in one week, I can't wait. My supervisor has been away, so I've been doing a lot of his stuff, Sunday school and other things. I'm leading a drama team now and we're performing a drama on Wednesday and Saturday as well as working on one to do Easter Sunday. I'm preaching at the Lenten Service this Wednesday. I'm doing homework. I'm getting to know a lot of the youth and really enjoying hanging out with them, so being the queen of procrastination that I am, "work" has been not getting done as much as socializing. So life has been busy, but good at the same time. I can't wait till graduation when I get to see everyone!!!! And for those of you who keep asking there is no boy yet, no time and no desire.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

My Baby

I'm in the process now of really focusing on the ministry I am creating for the church. It's called Junior Followers for k-2nd graders. We're starting on April 3rd and meeting every other week from 3-5. I ordered a bunch of fun stuff online for the kids to play with. We're getting some really cool dodgeballs (soft, no hurt ones), bean bags to throw around, jump ropes, a couple of the big cage balls, and best of all a 30 foot parachuete with 24 handles on it. I loved playing with those in gym class those were my favorite days. We're handing out fliers this week and starting to really talk it up and advertise. I'm so excited, it's going to be so much fun.

As far as future plans, I am going to graduation in April and I can't wait to see everyone. I have about 4 months left of my internship then I have no idea what I'm doing or where I'm going. God is going to have to open some doors really wide to show me where He wants me. Normally God doesn't let me know things until the last minute when it's almost too late. Then I have a ton of planning to do in not too much time, but He always comes through. I really like it here and would love to stay, but God would have to open up some doors and make it clear that this is where He wants me.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Always Let Your Donkey Be Your Guide

Last night I preached in youth group about the story of Balaam's donkey (Numbers 22ff). It was a lot of fun. I started off with a clip from Shrek. The part where they're selling the magical creatures and donkey won't talk until he starts flying. I shared a little about the history of Balaam's story and then got into my sermon.

The Three Ways To Keep Your Foot From Being Crushed (Balaam's Do's and Don'ts)
1. Ask God first (Good job Balaam)
2. Do what God says (Good job Balaam the first time)
Why did God tell Balaam he couldn't go the first time, then he could go and then get angry at him for going? Because God didn't want Balaam to go. He knew from God's first answer that he was not supposed to go, but when he went to God the second time he wanted to go and probably begged God a bit. God's response was, "Ok, go if you want to go, I'm not going to force you to do anything.) So Balaam took as as "Yay, I can go!" God gets mad at him because he knew in his heart he shouldn't have gone. God allowed him to make his own decission and he chose wrong, knowing what the right thing to do was.
3. Follow God's path
The angel was trying to redirect Balaam through his donkey, but he insisted on going his own way. The donkey points out to him that he has always been able to trust her in the past, why is he not now? When you're caught in sin the people around you who you usually trust all of a sudden "don't know what they're talking about." You justify what your doing then have to justify your justification and get caught in a jusification snowball so you can no longer see the light. Justification is a killer of Christians. Accountability is key!
4. If you've gotten your foot crushed there is hope!
Balaam repented and God used him to bless the Israelites. God can still use you and He will. Balaam then turned against God again and ended up being killed by the Israelites. Don't be like Balaam and have your foot crushed, always let your donkey be your guide.
We then made donkey ear hats to help us remember this lesson and listened to the song "Give a Little Whistle". It was so much fun!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Rob Bell

"If there's anything I've learned, or I'm learning, it's that whatever you're feeling in that moment, it's okay. It's okay, it's okay to feel numb, and for me it's like anger, shock, denial, it's okay. Or just that feeling like you don't feel anything at all, and that's okay too. It's okay to have no answers, and no explanations, and maybe even no words."

"Maybe you had that sense of guilt that comes with it; 'If only I would've done this, that wouldn't have happened,' or 'If only I would've been this way - if I would'vedone something differently.' And so we can become racked with guilt. And it like seeps in and it becomes a part of us and we're not even aware of it. Don't, don't let it happen."