Look what I made!

The mittens, most of you have seen (some form of them at least), but the hat is brand new. I made it up myself. Well, not totally I took two patterns and put them together sort of. For all of my knitting girls if you want the pattern email me and I'll send it to you. It was a fun project and took up some of my time sitting in front of the tv. I don't know what to work on next, but I need to think of something fast. Watching the news all day gets to me sometimes. There's really nothing much else to do. I live about 15 minutes out of town and don't know anyone enough to hang out. Plus everyone my age is either married or engaged and no one wants to hang out with the new single girl. I do have lots of little kid buddies though. This one little girl runs up to me and jumps on me, climbing up me everytime I see her. She's cute so I don't mind.
Oh, and I'm pastor for the day today and tomorrow. All the leaders have gone an a retreat so I am holding the fort down. It's just the secretary and me here so the pastor asked if there are any "issues" if I would deal with them. So far so good. Though I was in charge of the Followers group tonight. That's the ministry for 3rd-5th graders. They meet every other Monday and go on a trip once a month. We're going tubing on Sunday. I am officially in charge of children's worship. How I got that job I have no idea. Apparently Jeremy has never heard me sing. But it's fun. I love action songs!